RECRUITMENTBecome An Elite Escort Today!

Vax Escorts is seeking charismatic, confident, and stunning women to enhance our prestigious London escort agency.

If you're passionate about delivering unparalleled experiences to discerning gentlemen, we invite you to become part of our supportive family. Operating with a female-driven ethos, we prioritise your safety, security, and well-being above all, ensuring a professional and caring environment.

If you’re over 18, have the legal right to work in the UK, and embody reliability and friendliness, we're looking for you. Simply fill out our recruitment form and attach some enticing photos of yourself. Once you've submitted the form, our team will be in touch to guide you through the next steps. Don't worry if you're missing an address or any other required field - just input 'NA' or 'London' with any postcode, and we'll handle the rest.