Tips On How To Impress a High-Class Escort

Impressing someone who seems to have it all can be intimidating. Premium London escorts appear to be effortlessly beautiful, live in affluent, attractive areas, and they can afford luxury items and clothing to look the part from the top of their head to their also perfect toes.

So how do you impress an elite companion? It’s not as hard as you might think - and we’re here to help. Here is our guide to winning over these stunning girls.

Be a gentleman

Chivalry isn’t dead. Open the door for her, help her out of her coat, pull her chair out for her, and pour the wine. If you have opted for a dinner date or GFE, follow through with your words as well - don’t talk over her, and listen to her. Respect her opinions and her wishes. Don’t be vulgar or tell crude jokes. Be kind.

Good hygiene

It’s so simple, but this is something a lot of guys skip. If you’re meeting an escort, shower first. Especially if you’ve been at work. Wear deodorant, and put on some cologne. Ideally make sure your clothes are clean and pressed too - make an effort. No-one wants to get up close and personal with someone who smells of sweat, especially when escorts make an effort to look good. Wearing a smart shirt and a nice pair of jeans and shoes will also help - try and look good. Shave too - you don’t want to be scratching her face with stubble. 

Bring a gift

It doesn’t have to be incredibly expensive, but it should show some effort. Buy a nice bottle of wine, perfume or even some flowers. You could also tip to show your appreciation. It’s likely she’ll appreciate the extra thought.

Respect and consent

This is key. Escorts are used to people trying to push their boundaries. Before engaging in any sex act - even just a kiss on the cheek - ask her if it’s okay. Have a frank discussion about boundaries, and then respect them. If you listen to her and treat her like a human being, you will definitely impress her. 

Be on time

If you’re meeting an escort, understand that her time is valuable. Meet her at the time you agreed, and let her or the agency know if you are running late. Don’t expect her to stay later to compensate for you, and don’t ask her to stay later anyway, unless she isn’t meeting someone else and you’re happy to pay.

Choose somewhere nice for dinner

If you’re opting for the GFE or a dinner date, do your research. Look into the nicest restaurants and understand that you’ll be paying. Check what food she likes first, if you can. For bonus points, look into somewhere nice you can go for a drink afterwards. An intimate cocktail bar would be ideal. 

Tidy up

If you’ve booked an escort for an outcall, ensure your home isn’t a mess. No dirty dishes in the sink, clean sheets, and no odd socks on the floor. Try and create a romantic atmosphere - light candles, and use an oil diffuser. She’ll appreciate the effort. 

Don’t ask her about her private life

Don’t ask her about her real name, her job, or if she has a boyfriend, this will make her very uncomfortable. Keep conversation topics light - talk about her interests, for example. 

Safe sex

Use a condom. It’s likely she will ask you to wear one anyway, and you want to be safe. Show that you have no issues with wearing one by bringing your own, especially if you are above average size and need a larger condom.

Thank her

Before you leave, tell her that you enjoyed yourself and thank her for her time. It’s also good to ask if she would like you to leave a review or not. 

Just be a good human

The way to impress most escorts is to just generally treat her the way you’d want to be treated. Be kind, respectful, and interested in her as a person. Be upfront and honest.