A Day In The Life Of A High Class Escort

Elite London escorts lead extremely busy lives. They live a fast-paced life, constantly balancing the demands of their clients with personal commitments. Their days are filled with a variety of engagements, from high-end social events and exclusive dinners to private meetings and travel arrangements. In many cases, it often looks something like this:

Bright and early

She starts her day after a good night’s sleep - an escort knows taking care of her raw material is important. She wakes up feeling fresh, with bright skin and eyes plus no under-eye bags. After a large glass of water with a squeeze of lemon to hydrate herself, your escort is likely to do a workout, or head to the gym. She may also fit in a meditation session because mental health is as important as physical health. 

After half an hour of vigorous exercise to keep her body looking as good as it does, she’ll have a nutritious breakfast, once again taking care of herself. This could be a breakfast smoothie, poached eggs on avocado toast, or fruit and low-fat, low-sugar yoghurt.

After a shower, where she uses her tried and trusted products to keep her hair sleek and shiny, she’ll go through her morning skincare routine, using cleanser, toner and moisturiser to keep her fresh, dewy glow. Your escort may be blessed with naturally clear skin - but she knows how to keep it in a beautiful condition.

Afternoon adventures

She has a life outside of being an escort. She may meet up with her friends for a skinny latte, or fit in some shopping for a new outfit. She might be meeting up with a client later that evening for a high-class event, such as a gala, or dinner out at a fine dining restaurant - she wants to look her best.

Many escorts have the money to shop where they want. Our girls often head to Bond Street, where they can visit Jimmy Choo, Dolce and Gabbana, Louis Vuitton and Tiffany and Co. This enables them to cultivate the effortless yet expensive style that sets them apart. Your escort will ensure that whatever her outfit, it emphasises her best features. 

Although premium companions charge more, this allows them to invest in their looks, health, and wardrobe meaning she always looks her best, feels her best, and has the perfect outfit for every occasion. 

For lunch she’s likely to have a healthy salad or soup with a side of protein. She may then spend some time on her other pursuits, such as reading or catching up on her favourite TV show. If she’s still at university, she might dedicate time to her studies.

Luxury call girls tend to be intelligent and highly educated. Education and intelligence are part of what set them apart - they are able to participate in conversations on art, music, culture and politics with both wit and ease. 

A night on the town

Depending on the night ahead, your escort might take a nap to refresh herself. She’ll then spend time styling her hair and doing her make-up to perfection, making sure to use a primer and a setting spray to keep it in place.

Her outfit will depend on where she's going and who she’s meeting. Choosing the right outfit is an art that she’s got perfected. For a night out, a tight fitted dress might be her choice. A longer, more formal dress for a gala. Or a cocktail dress for drinks and a meal out.

She will then meet her client. As well as being a sight to behold, a VIP companion is also an excellent conversationalist. Whoever she meets, he will likely find himself dazzled by her. She knows how to flirt without being vulgar, how to engage him in conversation about shared interests, and how to build a genuine emotional connection. This isn’t something that just anyone, or any escort, can do. It takes talent.

If the evening progresses further, she will prove herself to be a sensual, generous lover, guaranteeing a guy the best night of his life. Men will leave satiated and likely to see her again. 

Before bed, she’ll make sure to hydrate herself, remove her makeup and cleanse her face, before applying an overnight facial mask or night cream to keep her skin at its best.